Pragmatics involve the use of language in social contexts. It's about knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it – and understanding when others do the same. If you or your loved one struggles with pragmatic language skills, we can work together to improve social communication, conversation skills, and understanding of non-literal language.
Social Skills
Social skills are crucial for successful interactions and communication. These include the ability to understand and use body language, interpret the social cues of others, understand others' perspectives, and identify and understand emotions. If you or your loved one need support in this area,we can offer targeted therapy to enhance these essential skills.
Play Skills
Play is a child's primary way of learning about the world. Developing play skills can enhance a child's language, cognition, and social interaction. Our therapy sessions incorporate play-based techniques to stimulate language use and to improve social communication as well as to provide natural opportunities for language use and carryover and generalization of skills.
Conversation Skills
Effective conversation skills are key to successful social relationships. This includes understanding how to start and end a conversation, stay on topic, take turns, make eye contact, and use appropriate tone and body language. Through targeted therapy, we can help you or your loved one improve these vital skills.
How can we help with pragmatics?
As a team of dedicated Speech-Language Therapists, we are here to guide and support this journey, providing evidence-based techniques to pragmatics.
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