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Child In Speech Therapy


Receptive Language:

Receptive Language is the ability to understand and interpret spoken language. It includes comprehending basic vocabulary, following complex directions, and grasping abstract concepts. Children with receptive language difficulties may struggle with following directions, participating in classroom activities, and communicating effectively with peers and adults.

Image by Marisa Howenstine


Comprehension refers to the ability to understand and make sense of language. It includes understanding written and spoken language, interpreting figurative language, and making inferences. Poor comprehension skills can make reading challenging and lead to difficulty in understanding new concepts and ideas.

Little Music Fan

Auditory Processing

​Auditory Processing is the ability to process and interpret sounds in the environment. This includes the ability to listen to and understand speech, differentiate between sounds, and recognize patterns within sounds. This also includes processing and sequencing information and can coincide with thought organization.

Image by Jonathan Borba


Literacy is the ability to read and write effectively. When it comes to speech therapy, it can include learning sound-letter correspondence to put words together (blend) and take them apart (segment), and comprehension. Strong literacy skills are crucial for academic success and expand communication opportunities and development.

How can we help with receptive language?

As a speech language pathologist, myself and my team specialize in diagnosing and treating receptive language, comprehension, auditory processing, and literacy difficulties. By creating personalized treatment plans, we can help children improve these crucial skills and succeed in academic and social settings. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child achieve their communication and learning goals.

View other services below


Down Syndrome



Early Language


Fluency (stuttering)

Speech Sound Production


Oral Motor Skills


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